During the Cold War, both countries(the United States and the Soviet Union) at the time were strong and powerful superpower nations that influenced the world in a way, but also both governments thought that their political ideologies were the way 'forward' and that all nations should adopt their way of government. During the Cold War and even today the United States believes in a democratic way of government allowing the civilians to vote for their political party to govern the country in a democratic election system and a sense of Capitalism. Capitalism is the term used to describe the rights we give our citizens, like the right to own a private buisness(s), own private property and the right to earn a profit and so on. We did not want to fight directly, but when the Communist way started spreading across the nation, we had to do something. Anything. We thought that if communism continued to spread nation wide we would be lost, because we thought of communism as a threat to us personally. All the United States knew of and holds dear is the thought of Capitalism and that it is the way of life. We still have capitalism today and we ultimatly hope to keep it that way, if we can. Let's just hope nothing like the Cold War happens again and we have a World War 3. Well, there you have it.. The ideologies of the United States and what we were and still are about. (:
This is a great analysis. It very clearly states the U.S.'s foreign policy during the Cold War and it's very thorough about what it entailed.