This picture is of people who were not afraid of showing how they really felt and had the courage to do something about it. They held up signs and walked for hours just to have the same rights as everybody else and have the rights they rightfully deserved.
Civil Rights has been a big issue amungst the people these days. Whether it's from Women's Rights or Animal Rights. This May, the people are celebrating the 50 year anniversary of the court case Brown vs. the Board of Education ruling. The ruling of this case said that all schools would not be segregated and that people would be treated equal.
Civil Rights today is like even today women don't fully have every right as of the men, but they still have most of their rights. Children don't have as many rights as do, let's say the women. Animals don't have really any rights. etc. People still have movements concerning our rights, but not huge movements like back in the 50's. There are alot more examples of how Civil Rights is still present today, but just so it's known, the Civil Rights today are not as bad as they were back in the day. The men had many rights but not all, women had barely any rights(not as equal as the men), the children didn't really have the rights they should have had, etc.
I think that the effects of the Cold War came as a relief to us because atleast the "Cold War Today" is not as bad as it was. Right? Well, that is not all about the Civil Rights today, but it is just some of the examples. See you soon! (: